Research and Innovation aimed at developing the territorial and socio-economic potentials, and provide answers to those needs.
The Consortium acts as a meeting point between the “top-down” approach (institutional, legal, authoritative but slower) and the “bottom-up” approach (local economic and production companies, more operational and faster).
Combining the shared and constantly updated analytical results of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Territorial Threats and Opportunities, it was possible to define the Macro Areas where research and innovation can be applied, of which its main objectives are:
- Cooperation between Research, Innovation, Training and Production using eco-sustainable tools and technologies.
- Advanced research in the macro-areas of interest and the development of know-how and tools of its members.
- Creation of a critical mass of human, technological and financial resources, to achieve internationally recognized levels of excellence.
- Support for the exchange of researchers related to Ticass, to foster the link between the world of research and business.
- Development of Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects and scouting sources of financing.
The main activities of the Consortium are:
Business service
Ticass uses a rich and articulated network of laboratories capable of meeting all the needs and problems that will arise in the energy and environmental fields.
Organisation of Research and Development Projects
Coordination, assistance and / or management of drafting and presentation of research or technological innovation projects and where required, partnership.
Technical assistance for the possible problems of: industrial, chemical, energy and environmental sectors.
Companies can use the skills available in Ticass to build internal courses with different purposes:
refresher courses for employees: technical specialization courses for the training of new skills for employees, protection, safety and hygiene in the workplace; training packages from 1 to 5 days; training on International Projects: training of technicians for companies from non-European countries, training projects with European funding
Ticass provides support on the risk assessment of chemical substances as defined by the REACH Regulation. Promotion and organization of highly specialized courses such as the II level Master’s Degree in Management of Chemicals. Safety and environmental impact of substances classified from the chemical point of view: integrated approach to CE regulation 1907/06 – Reach “.
Ticass develops research activities in collaboration with partner structures to combine and develop technologies; making ambitious targets possible to achieve, when they cannot be met individually.
Ticass promotes and coordinates research activities for the development and / or technological transfer of excellence at regional, national and international levels, to increase knowledge and to introduce innovative technologies.
In particular, the research activity of Ticass is divided into two branches:
- Research & Development projects: Ticass provides a series of activities that promote and encourage the participation of small, medium and large companies in funded national and community projects.
- “Energy and Environment” Innovation Center: Ticass has structured and expanded a non-profit interactive network, with preexisting public and private facilities.
The promotion and organisation of training and refresher activities are a Ticass strategic objective.
Its aim is to “create the conditions to favor the qualification of human capital, creativity through continuous training and the development of specialised scientific and technological skills, as strategic factors of success and competitive advantage” building “links between different subjects that for different reasons and purposes are involved in research, innovation, training, production and use of tools, technologies, aids” (Article 2 of its Statute).
Ticass promotes and organises training activities in specific technical and regulatory areas for Associate Companies and operators in the sector at national and European level, to respond promptly to production and / or commercial needs.
It has stipulated special agreements with the Permanent Training Service of the University of Genoa, with Confindustria Genoa and with Legambiente Liguria.
Since July 2015, Ticass has also been appointed by Authorised Body of the National Council of Chemists, to provide quality training to its registered professionals.