Project title: SUSTEEN – Sustainable SMEs by means of Enterprise Europe Network
Beneficiaries: Chambre De Commerce Et D’industrie De La Région Provence-Alpes-Cote D’azur,
Méditerranée Technologies, Unioncamere Liguria, Unioncamere Piemonte, Confindustria Piemonte,
Agentia De Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Vest, Sociedad Para La Transformación Competitiva – Eraldaketa Lehiakorrerako Sozietatea, S. A, Business Region Goteborg. Ticass supported the Liguria Region Local partner.
Project Duration: 2012-2013
Project info: the SUSTEEN project aimed at sustaining SMEs active in a given set of sensitive sectors becoming more environmentally performing by: increasing their own awareness of their environmental impact and of the benefits they may get from adopting environmental friendly attitudes; helping them achieving for free environmental value added services. The project mainly targeted SMEs belonging to
the following priority sectors: production and processing of metals, food industry, manufacturing of electronic/electric equipments, waste management chemical industry, and being based in one of the following regions: Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (France), Liguria, Piedmont region (Italy), Transylvania region (Romania), Basque country (Spain) and Gothenburg region (Sweden). Besides raising-awareness actions to promote environmental friendly behaviours and to spread knowledge on funding opportunities, the core part of SUSTEEN project relied on the delivery of individualised environmental services to SMEs. By means of cooperation agreements with selected regional Environmental Service Providers, partners it has been able to provide interested SMEs with free consultancy on environmental
issues and free of charge environmental audits.