Erasmus+ PROEMED activities

PROEMED – Boosting environmental protection and energy efficient buildings in Mediterranean region. Project Web Site:


The project, having code 573677-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, is promoted by the European Commission Agency EACEA in the scheme of the Erasmus+ CBHE (“Capacity Building in Higher Education”) programme. It will pursue, along the period October 2016 / October 2019 the wider objective to design, establish and develop a new Master study-programme on “Environmental Protection and Energy Efficient Buildings”, otherwise called Sustainable Buildings, in Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian Universities. Ticass is a Member of the Project Consortium.

Summary of the Project activities

On January 19th, the first bunch of activities involving Ticass took place at its premises.


Presentations of the session:

  1. Gustavo Capannelli – Presentation of Ticass
  2. Sara Cepolina – Circular Economy
  3. Stefano Gianazzi – The PRIMA and ENI Funding Instruments
  4. Gustavo Capannelli – Membrane processes: innovative technologies for drinking water and wastewater treatment

On January 26th the second session managed by Ticass took place at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCIC) of the University of Genoa premises.


Presentations of the session:

  1. Roberto Sacile – Università degli studi di Genova
  2. Erika Cozza – Innovation & Hi-Tech Research Projects – Boero Bartolomeo spa: “Cool Paints – New paints for energy-efficient buildings”
  3. Gianni Viano – SoftecoSismat srl: “Aggregators: opportunities and technical solutions”
  4. Stefano Bianchi – Research Team Leader – SoftecoSismat srl: “A walk through smart grids from different perspectives”
  5. Alessandro Barisone – SoftecoSismat srl – “EMERALD: Tools for Efficient Integration of Fully Electric Vehicles in Energy Grids”


On February 2nd the third session managed by Ticass took place at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCIC) of the University of Genoa premises.

Presentations of the session:

  1. Enrico Pochettino – Head of Internationalization and Innovation Department – IREN spa: “Energy production and distribution”
  2. Enrico Nannei – Termotechnics professor: “Environmental climate control: free cooling and new approaches”
  3.  (Paper) Uchenna K. Kesieme et al. – “Economic analysis of desalination technologies in the context of carbon pricing, and opportunities for membrane distillation”
  4.  (Paper) Daniel Winter – “Membrane Distillation – A Thermodynamic, Technological and Economic Analysis”


On February 9th the fourth session managed by Ticass took place at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCIC) of the University of Genoa premises.

Presentations/activities of the session:

  1. Ticass laboratories tour and experimental measures Demo
  2. Federica Boero – Ticass scrl: “Environmental climate control: new approaches”
  3. Maria Fabianelli – Director – IRE spa: “Protocols, Best practices, Lessons Learned for energy efficieiency in the Smart City domains”

.Pdf versions of the presentations are available upon request at the following url
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